Terms of use for Walledo App
Please, read these Terms of use carefully once you start using App Walledo.
Please, note that you have to be of a FULL LEGAL age in your country of residence to download and use Walledo App by any way. If you are under the full legal age in your country of residence all the actions/operations/information processing/information providing etc. involving Walledo App are void, legally not binding and has no legal effect.
Walledo App is designed only for lawful actions in accordance with the requirements of the laws in all jurisdictions involved in the operations. The User has to follow the law requirements, not misuse Walledo App and use it responsible.
It is strictly prohibited to use Walledo App, its technical aspects, the software or its parts, any other intellectual property related to Walledo App for any illegal activity.
This document is designed in accordance with Walledo privacy policy. In the case of contradictions or inconsistencies between this document – Terms of use for Walledo App – the Walledo Privacy policy and other terms and conditions, documents and communications will have priority.
These Terms of use only as a part of other legal documents published on the web site walledo.com shall constitute agreement between Walledo App User and the Platform – the provider of Walledo App.
The Platform reserve the right to
- change and update these Terms of use;
- communicate via Walledo App some important provisions for Walledo App Users;
- change and update the application (Walledo App) adding to it new features;
- change or introduce any fees or charges, related to the services facilitated by Platform;
- change the legal documents on the web site walledo.com and publish new texts of the legal documents (new versions and updates).
It is responsibility of Walledo App User to follow all the updates and changes and pay attention to the important communications sent via application.
Walledo App Users are welcome to contact our support if some kind of explanation is needed or you have any questions. The support contact is [email protected]
Walledo App (application) – software unit downloadable to different kind of devices for auxiliary/information/communicative purposes.
Walledo App User (User) – the individual that uses the Walledo App on any kind of device for lawful purposes.
Platform – Platform (we) – Walledo s.r.o. (operating Walledo trademark). Platform site – www.walledo.com site.
Virtual Currency – the tender assigned this status by a system/community (Bitcoin or other virtual currency)
Core terms of use
The main purpose of Walledo App is identification and providing Walledo App Users the information about personalized features of the services provided by the Platform.
The Walledo App is designed for auxiliary, information and communicative purpose for the Platform which technically facilitates a wide range of services in different countries all over the World. No services are provided via Walledo App as such.
The identification process is realized according to the Walledo Privacy Policy . The Walledo Privacy Policy is applicable in its most recent version on the date when the identification process is finalized.
Please, visit our web site for the full version of Walledo Privacy policy to learn how we use and protect all the personal data and other sensitive information. Please, pay special attention to the rights in respect of all the personal and sensitive information provided and the information collected.
The personalized features of the services provided by the Platform include among others the limits and opportunities set for the use of the services available on the Platform. Special limits are set for the virtual currencies.
The limits and opportunities are set on the basis of information that is available about Walledo App User and on the basis of the regulation applicable to the Platform services required by Walledo App User .
Walledo App is also used for all the personalized information about the actions, giveaways etc. related to the services available on the Platform.
Walledo App provides the information about the points where the virtual currencies are accepted/available or operated and the identification via Walledo App can be accepted. Other information related to virtual currencies can be available in Walledo App.
No spam, abusive or other inappropriate information will be disseminated via Walledo App. If you as a Walledo App User find any information inappropriate for you, please, contact Walledo support team on [email protected]
Walledo trade mark and software
Walledo is a registered trademark. All the rights on the software and its parts, design and other intellectual property related to Walledo App, platform operation concept, web site etc. belong to Platform.
Walledo App User agrees and acknowledges that Platform owns all rights, titles and interests in the application, website, trademarks, software, concept, technology etc.
Walledo App User shall not rent, lease, sublicense, distribute, transfer, copy, reproduce, download, display, modify or timeshare Platform’s intellectual property or any portion thereof, or use Platform’s intellectual property as a component of or a base for products or services prepared for commercial sale, sublicense, lease, access or distribution. Walledo App User shall not prepare any derivative work based on Platform’s intellectual property. User shall not translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble Platform’s intellectual property.
Disclaimer and limitation of liabilities
Walledo App is not related to any financial services or activity in financial markets.
All the disclaimers and limitations of liabilities announced in the legal documents published on walledo.com or communicated by other means by Platform are applicable to Walledo App and cover Walledo App Users.
Please note, that Walledo App is auxiliary, information and communicative application. Therefore, no consumer protection laws and other consumer regulations are applicable to downloads or use of Walledo App as such.
All the regulatory risks, including but not limited to any changes in the regulation, legislation, policies, official positions etc. or any other risks deriving from the actions of the third parties are accepted by the User. The User bears the costs/losses/damages of any kind related to the regulatory risks Platform may provide the necessary information on request of User however NO costs, losses or other payments shall be reimbursed/made by Platform related to the regulatory risks. The regulatory risk shall not cause any extra costs/losses/damages to Platform.
Except for indemnification obligations hereunder, in no event shall either party (User, Platform or other Party involved in services facilitated by Platform) be liable or obliged to the other party or any third party in any manner for any special, incidental, exemplary, consequential, punitive or indirect damages of any kind regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict product liability or otherwise, even if informed of the possibility of any such damages in advance.
Any claim arising out of the relating to any error or omission must be made within one year from the day when it is appeared. Otherwise the claim shall be deemed waived.
All the claims and other important communications with Walledo App Users in relation with the application shall be via the e-mail or correspondence.